The content of this section is defined by the legislation and regulations set out in the Higher Education Act, 1997 (as amended). Where provision is made for institutional discretion, Revine Technical College rules are subject to approval by academic board of the college (as appropriate), except where expressly recorded to the contrary. These rules represent the general rules of the college and apply to all Revine College students. These rules must be read together with the applicable Revine policies, which have the same force and effect as these rules. The rules published here and related policies may be amended prior to the commencement of the following academic year. In addition to these general rules, there may be specific rules per college and / or qualification. They will be expressly stated in the information pertaining to the college and / or qualification or in the relevant admission letters, all of which are available to registered students online. Where the rules of a college make provision for special requirements with regard to registration for a module offered in the college, the requirements will apply equally where the module is taken in another college, unless expressly stated to the contrary. When a student registers with Revine, the student acknowledges an awareness of the prevalent rules of the college; and undertakes to be bound and abide by the rules of the institution. The student bears the onus of ensuring that he or she is familiar with the rules pertinent to his or her registration with college. Ignorance of these rules and related institutional policies will not be accepted as an excuse for any transgression.
An Advance Statement:
Statement of Credits:
Statement of Credits: